Lobster Council of Canada members are ready to work with you to ensure you receive the very best quality processed and live Canadian lobster products. To source the best lobster in the world, start here.
Check out our directory and contacts for processors, live shippers and retailers throughout our Eastern Canada region.

Acadian Supreme
Phone: 902-854-2675
Email: info@acadiansupreme.com
Acadian Supreme Inc. is one of the largest processors of lobster on Prince Edward Island, offering a wide range of products to compliment our Lobster, such as, Scallops, Crab, and many Special Custom Packs.

Bakers Point Fisheries Ltd.
Phone: 902-845-2347
Email: bakersptjanette@accesscable.net
Bakers Point Fisheries Ltd. offers a wide variety of fish and seafood, including live lobster, distributing within Canada and internationally.

Beach Point Processing Company
Contact: http://www.beachpointprocessing.com/contact
Phone: 902-962-2030
Beach Point Processing Company is a purveyor and processor of wild caught lobster products based in Prince Edward Island.

By the Water Shellfish
By the Water Shellfish Inc. is a live lobster holding and shipping company located in Borden, Prince Edward Island, Canada and was founded by experienced fishing experts in 2003.

Cape Bald Packers Ltd.
Phone: 506-577-4316
Email: info@capebaldpackers.com
Since 1948, Cape Bald Packers has expanded into a primary processor of Atlantic lobster, snow crab and PEI Mussels. Cape Bald Packers is located in Cap-Pele, New Brunswick as well as Portland, Maine.

Captain Dan's Seafoods
Phone: 506-872-7621
Email: info@captaindans.com
Captain Dan's Seafood has been producing top-quality seafood since 1994, selling products to large retailers, restaurant chains, cruise lines and regional distributors internationally. Family owned and managed, Captain Dan's is located in Dieppe, NB.

Chase's Lobster
Phone: 905-243-2408
Located in Nova Scotia, Chase's Lobsters sells and ships quality Lobster both locally and globally.
Clearwater Seafoods Ltd.
Phone: 902-443-0550
Email: lobster@clearwater.ca
Clearwater is the largest holder of shellfish licenses in Canada and one of the world's leading seafood companies providing premium quality, sustainable seafood.

Deep Cove Aqua Farms Ltd.
Phone: 902-275-8575
Email: aschnare@deepcoveseafood.ca
Deep Cove Aqua Farms Ltd. is located in Nova Scotia and specializes in seafood product such as Lobster, Mackarel, Herring, Capelin, Cod, Scallops, Halibut, Turbot, Whelk, Eels and Bait.

Do Lobster
Phone: 902-407-9988
Email: info@dolobster.com
Do Lobster specializes in selling lobster and ships internationally, including to the Americas, Europe and Asia.

East Coast Seafood/Paturel International
Phone: 774-305-4948
Email: info@myseafood.com
East Coast Seafood Group and its subsidaries are a global leader in live lobster sales, ranked among the Top 25 North American Seafood Suppliers per Seafood Business.

Everich Import & Export Inc.
Phone: (902) 314-8168
Email: jipbright@gmail.com
Everich Import & Export Inc is an exporter specializing in the export of premium live hard shell Canadian lobster to China.

Fisher King Seafoods
Phone: 902-450-1262
Email: sales@fisherkingseafoods.com
Located in Halifax, Fisher King Seafoods sells wild, chemical-free, frozen seafood caught directly from the waters of Atlantic Canada with sustainable management practices.

Fishermen's Market International Inc.
Phone: 905-443-3474
Email: retail@fishermansmarket.com
Fisherman's Market, located in Halifax, is a wholesaler, retailer and worldwide exporter or fresh, frozen, smoked and salted seafood, and live or frozen Atlantic lobster.

Fundy Bay Seafood Ltd.
Phone: 506-659-2890
Email: fundybayseafood@nb.aibn.com
Fundy Bar Seafood offers fresh seafood including Canadian Lobster to local restaurants across North America.

Gidney Fisheries Ltd.
Phone: 902-834-2775
Email: info@gidneyfisheries.ca
Located on Digby Neck in Nova Scotia, Gidney Fisheries has been exporting lobster since 1892. They deliver premium live and HPP frozen lobster products to the foodservice and retail markets worldwide. Visit their website to learn more about the HPP process and its benefits.

Gourmet Chef Packers Ltd.
Phone: 506-532-4497
Email: info@gcpackers.com
Located in New Brunswick, Gourmet Chef Packer's mission is to develop and market a High Quality value-added Seafood product. GCP processes lobster with the newest "UHP" High Pressure Technology.

Group MDMP
Phone: 418-657-4444
Email: info@groupemdmp.com
Groupe MDMP offers superior quality seafood that meets consumer needs with access to a wide variety of marine species, including Canadian lobster

Hardy's Channel Fishermen's Co-op
Phone: 902-831-3161
Hardy's Channel Fishermen's Co-op is a seafood wholesaler located in Prince Edward Island.

Island Fishermen Cooperative Association
Phone: 506-344-2204
Email: info@acpi-ifca.com
The Island Fisherman Cooperative Association, located in New Brunswick’s Acadian Peninsula, processes northern shrimp, several varieties of crab (including snow crab), lobster and herring. IFCA supports a sustainable fishery through full use of the resources required for processing.

Ito Seafoods Ltd.
Phone: 902-422-8157
Email: info@itoseafoods.ca
Ito Seafoods is an exporter of Atlantic Canadian seafood including Canadian lobster. The company holds the MSC Chain of Custody certification for lobster and snow crab exports.

J.P.'s Shellfish
Phone: 207-439-6018
Email: info@jpshellfish.com
Part of Atlantic Aqua Farms, J.P.'s Shellfish sources Canadian lobster from the Bay of Fundy and Nova Scotia.

Kaiser Marine Inc.
Phone: 902-364-2002
Email: kaisermarineinc@gmail.com
Kaiser Marine Inc., located in Nova Scotia, is a seller of fresh lobster, fresh crab and refrigerated freight within the Atlantic Provinces

Louisbourg Seafoods Limited
Phone: 902-733-2079
Email: jim.k@louisbourgseafoods.ca
Nova Scotia-based Louisbourg Seafoods Ltd., home of Mira Bay seafood products, is a family-operated seafood business, harvesting product with its own fleet of vessels. The company is commited to conservation and care of ocean species and habitat.

Love Me Fish and Lobster Inc.
Phone: 902-386-2981
Email: info@lovemefish.ca
Love Me Fish & Lobster is a Canadian-owned and operated supplier of fresh Atlantic live lobster, graded to your specification. Located in Nova Scotia.

Lunenburg Fish Co.
Phone: 902-634-3470
Email: kent@lunenburgfish.com
Founded in 1988, the Lunenburg Fish Company Limited's line of business includes the wholesale distribution of fresh, cured, or frozen fish and seafood.

Milligan's Fisheries
Phone: 902-961-3218
Email: scott@milligansfisheries.com
Milligan's Fisheries is a third generation, family owned seafood broker dealing in lobster, rock and snow crab, mackerel, herring, tuna, and ground fish. They buy directly from local fishermen and seafood dealers.

Mime'j Seafoods Ltd.
Phone: 902-895-3600
Email: mimej@ncnsnetcomm.ns.ca
Mime’j Seafoods Limited is the NCNS Community’s Aboriginal communal commercial fisheries management enterprise, trading seafood including Canadian Lobster internationally.

North Bay Fishermen’s Co-op Ltd.
Phone: 902 863-4988
Email: nbfc@seasidehighspeed.com
North Bay Fisherman's Coop sells the highest quality lobster, mackerel, herring, tuna and halibut, purchased from its members. The Coop's members strive to supply the freshest and highest quality fish they can and the Coop in turn provides the highest quality to their customers.

North Lake Fisheries
Phone: 902-838-3908
Email: hr@northlakefisheries.com
North Lake Fisheries works to produce and supply an extensive range of high-quality, fresh and frozen seafood products to restaurants, distributors and retail outlets worldwide.

Ocean Blue Fisheries Ltd.
Phone: 506-855-3474
Email: info@oceanbluefisheries.com
Ocean Blue Fisheries Ltd. is a family owned company from Atlantic Canada that has been in the import/export business of lobster, snow crab, whelks, mussels, capelin, mackerel and other seafood products for more than 20 years.

Ocean Choice International
Phone: 709-782-6244
Email: nasales@oceanchoice.com
Ocean Choice International (OCI) is a global seafood company delivering over 100 million pounds of finished product to more than 30 countries every year.

Partner Seafood Inc.
Phone: 506-386-3100
Email: info@partner-seafood.com
Partner Seafood delivers quality frozen seafood products to over 40 countries around the world.

R.I. Smith Co.
Phone: 902-723-2380
Email: jonathan@rismithlobster.com
R.I.Smith is dedicated to providing the highest quality lobster. It is a family-owned, Nova Scotia seafood company in business through four generations.

Raymond O’Neill & Son Fisheries Ltd.
Phone: 506-228-4794
Email: goneill@rofisheries.com
Raymond O’Neill & Son Fisheries Ltd. is a privately owned, family business operating seasonally, processing freshly frozen raw, cooked and live lobster products.

Royal Star Foods
Phone: 902-882-2050
Email: sales@royalstarfoods.com
Royal Star Foods Ltd, a subsidiary of Tignish Fisheries Co-op Association Ltd., is the largest Atlantic lobster processor on Prince Edward Island. Its brand, Atlantic Star – Star of the Sea, is well respected and world renowned due to its consistency in high quality.

Sambro Fisheries Limited
Phone: (902) 868-2140
Email: donny@sambrofisheries.com
Sambro Fisheries Ltd. specializes in offloading fishing boats, processing, packing and shipping fresh seafood.

Sea Harvest Seafoods (2019) Ltd.
Phone: 902-209-5077
Email: chris@sea-harvest.ca
Sea Harvest Seafood Ltd. connects buyers with the sellers of the finest seafood in the world. They handpick their seafood suppliers and provide unrivalled product quality whether fresh or frozen.

Seafood 2000 Ltd.
Phone: 902-652-2316
Email: info@seafood2000.ca
Seafood 2000 Ltd provides the world with premiere Atlantic lobster products, including cooked and raw

Phone: 418-806-5277
Email: contactus@fis.com
Seafoodia specializes in the distribution and sales of quality seafood products worldwide since 1996. It offers healthy and sustainable food products from both land and sea.

Shediac Lobster Shop
Phone: 506-533-1431
Email: gilles@shediaclobstershop.ca
Shediac Lobster specializes in processing Cold Water Atlantic Lobster products and exports to Canadian, US, Asian, and European Markets, and are currently expanding into the Live Market.

Ships Lobster Pound Ltd.
Phone: 902-723-2525
Email: shipslobster@shipslobster.com
Ship’s Lobster Pound Limited has been in the business of buying and selling lobsters since 1988. Started by three brothers – Kirk, Gregory and Joel Nickerson, the company is still family owned and operated.

Simply Fresh Seafood Inc.
Phone: 902-745-2222
Email: Peter@SimplyFreshSeafoods.com
Simply Fresh Seafood provides clients with only the freshest, top quality lobster sourced directly from the ice cold waters of the Atlantic Ocean.

Sogelco International Inc.
Phone: 514-849-2414
Email: sogelco@sogelco.com
Sogelco International has over 40 years of experience in the seafood industry. It represents leadership in the production and export of frozen seafood worldwide.

Tangier Lobster Company Ltd.
Phone: 902-772-2130
Email: stewart@tangierlobster.com
Tangier Lobster Company is a leading Canadian exporter of live lobster to the international marketplace.

Wedgeport Lobster Ltd.
Phone: 902-663-2551
Email: marcel@wedgeportlobsters.ca
Wedgeport Lobster Ltd is located in Nova Scotia and deals in wholesale live lobster.

Woods Harbour Lobster Co. Ltd.
Phone: 902-723-2195
Email: Sararankin@hotmail.com
Quality product procured for markets all over the World

World Link Food Distributors Inc./Lobster Hub Inc.
Phone: (902) 423-0787
Email: sara@atlanticlobster.ca
World Link Food Distributors Inc is located near the Halifax International Airport in Nova Scotia and Lobster Hub Inc., the live holding and packing facility and frozen processing facility, is located in Meteghan, Nova Scotia. Together, they export over 8 million pounds of live and frozen lobster to 24 countries in North America, Europe and Asia.

Xsealent Seafood Co.
Phone: 902-745-3899
Email: xscbrock@gmail.com
Buying, selling and processing live lobster and fresh fish.

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